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 Multigrain Waffles Recipe

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
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تاريخ الميلاد تاريخ الميلاد : 14/10/1979
الْمَشِارَكِات الْمَشِارَكِات : 1343
السٌّمعَة السٌّمعَة : 4
الإنتساب الإنتساب : 22/12/2011
sms : Healthy Recipes,Cookbooks: Recipes, Cookbooks, and Culinary Adventures

Multigrain Waffles Recipe Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Multigrain Waffles Recipe   Multigrain Waffles Recipe Empty2/4/2014, 2:43 pm

Multigrain Waffles Recipe Multigrain_waffle_recipe

Multigrain Waffles Recipe

I've been playing around with multigrain flour blends lately. In part, inspired by Kim Boyce's book, in part to rid my refrigerator of endless bags and jars of flours. I mixed up a batch of these waffles last weekend for a Saturday breakfast - well worth the effort it took to dust off the waffle maker. Poppyseed-flecked and made with a blend of barley, oat, and rye flours, these multigrain waffles are buttermilk-moist with a golden crust and a hint of tanginess.
Multigrain Waffles Recipe Multigrain_waffle_recipe_2
I know I'm going to get a lot of questions about substituting flours here. The bulk of this blend is barley flour. The barley flour here helps keep these waffles on the light side, but if you need to replace it with whole wheat pastry flour, that should be a reasonable substitution. The whole wheat pastry flour is a bit heavier, but nothing like using a full-on hard whole wheat flour. As for the "accent flours" in this blend, I like the way the rye and oat works with the barley. I felt like quinoa flour would be too grassy for what I was after, but millet flour might have been interesting in place of the rye flour? I'm not 100% sure. That's part of the fun of playing around with the multigrain blends, the variations are nearly endless - so take good notes as you experiment. And report back if you stumble on a combination that is particularly delicious.
Multigrain Waffles Recipe Multigrain_waffle_recipe_3
Let me know if you have any favorite multigrain blends or insights - interesting flour pairings or flour blend & ingredient pairings. It's the sort of thing I love reading about.
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Multigrain Waffles Recipe

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