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 Toasted Four Grain Cereal Recipe

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
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الجنس انثى
تاريخ الميلاد تاريخ الميلاد : 14/10/1979
الْمَشِارَكِات الْمَشِارَكِات : 1343
السٌّمعَة السٌّمعَة : 4
الإنتساب الإنتساب : 22/12/2011
sms : Healthy Recipes,Cookbooks: Recipes, Cookbooks, and Culinary Adventures

Toasted Four Grain Cereal Recipe Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Toasted Four Grain Cereal Recipe   Toasted Four Grain Cereal Recipe Empty2/4/2014, 2:37 pm

Toasted Four Grain Cereal Recipe Four_grain_cereal

Toasted Four Grain Cereal Recipe

Somehow, I've managed to pass the weekday breakfast baton. Wayne has always been the house barista, keeping me (and any visiting friends) adequately caffeinated. At some point, a couple years back, he started adding a toasty overnight oatmeal to his morning repertoire. Actually, he usually does a blend of oats and other rolled grains, but if you like oatmeal, you'll like this. Lynn, from Satsuma Press, stayed with us recently, was asking about the recipe. This is for her and any of you who are looking for a hot, filling, wintertime breakfast cereal that you can trick out with all sorts of different toppings.
Toasted Four Grain Cereal Recipe Four_grain_cereal_2
There are a number of four or five-grain breakfast cereal blends you can buy ready-mixed. That said, it is incredibly easy to make your own blend, and keep it on-hand in a jar. We've been using a blend of rolled oats, rolled rye, rolled barley, and rolled spelt. But don't sweat it if you can't find those exact grains. Browse the bin section of your grocery or natural foods store, see what they have, and go from there. The only rolled grain I haven't loved as a part of our mix was Kamut.
Toasted Four Grain Cereal Recipe Four_grain_cereal_3
One of the things I love most about this ritual is the one thing that might put some of you off. The "day-ahead" factor. The night before Wayne makes his cereal, he toasts the grains in a bit of butter. You have to plan ahead a bit, but the trade-off is a house that smells like a batch of oatmeal cookies is baking. Here, the scent drifts from the kitchen at the back of the house, up the hallway, and into each room along the way. It's one of the last things he does at the end of the day, and it let's you know breakfast is going to be good.
I kept track of some of the toppings I've used over the past couple off weeks and listed them below. Allow me to highlight the buttermilk maple butter, which I make for waffles, but use it here as well. Creamy, sweet, with a bit of tang - a generous drizzle is all you need.
A couple other links: I had some fun with the Remodelista ladies, for their new Style Counsel feature. Aaaand my run at the Piglet over at Food52 ended abruptly with a Momofuku Milk Bar face-off. :/ Looking forward to watching the next few rounds from the sidelines though.
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Toasted Four Grain Cereal Recipe

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