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 Pomegranate Yogurt Bowl Recipe

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تاريخ الميلاد تاريخ الميلاد : 14/10/1979
الْمَشِارَكِات الْمَشِارَكِات : 1343
السٌّمعَة السٌّمعَة : 4
الإنتساب الإنتساب : 22/12/2011
sms : Healthy Recipes,Cookbooks: Recipes, Cookbooks, and Culinary Adventures

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Pomegranate Yogurt Bowl Recipe Breakfast_yogurt_bowl

Pomegranate Yogurt Bowl Recipe

January 20, 2013

I'm hoping this breakfast sets the tone for my entire day. I love the pretty pomegranate swirls intertwined with ribbons of a Turkish black pine honey a friend gave to me. There are little puffed BBs of quinoa, toasted sunflower seeds, some bee pollen, and creamy clouds of Greek yogurt. It was a fluke, with everything just falling into place after I reached for the pomegranate juice leftover from my ongoing juicing experiment. So, for today, just a quick hi, and hopefully a bit of inspiration to make your next breakfast special.
Pomegranate Yogurt Bowl Recipe Breakfast_yogurt_bowl_2Pomegranate Yogurt Bowl Recipe Breakfast_yogurt_bowl_3
I can imagine cooking down a bunch of the fresh pomegranate juice to make a thick homemade pomegranate molasses the next time around, although I love the brightness of the fresh juice and the way it tangles with the honey and yogurt.
Here's an ironic update - not two hours after writing this, I lobbed off a good chunk of my thumb using a mandolin. I hesitate to say, if you want to see it, I posted a pic to instagram (@heidijswanson), but you're much better off not looking. It's tres ugh. Maybe I was getting a bit cavalier, I've just never had trouble with my mandolin before - it's always the serrated knife that gets me. So, just a heads-up out there - the mandolin is scary (same goes for the hand blenders, apparently). Stay safe! xo
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Pomegranate Yogurt Bowl Recipe

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